bottle? - Why, certainly. I lost my wife too. Her name wasn't Idy though... and it wasn't in a food, but I know what you-- Yeah, good. Here's some money. Old Harper. - Quarter to 12:00. - Right-o. - Night. - Night. No, not wine! - Was there an old man in here just now? - Yeah. Just went out the back. Want something? Yeah. Let me have a Three Musketeers... and a ballpoint pen, one of those combs there... a pint of Old Harper... a couple off ashlight batteries and some beefjerky. You got an ID for the liquor? Yeah. Oh, nuts. I left it in the car. Sorry. You'll have to get it before. I also-- I forgot the car. Did you get it? You got it! You didn't get it. Why didn't you get it? I needed some things and I thought as long as I was in there-- Look, Debbie, can you loan me a dollar? Are you for real? Come on. Girls don't pay. Guys pay. See, I've only got a 50, and he doesn't have change. I can't believe this. I really cannot believe this. Here. - Excuse me. Could you-- - Buy you a bottle of booze? Yeah, I know. You lost your I.D. What kind doyou want? Gee, that's terrific. Just some Old Harper? That one over there-- that's Freddy Benson's 'Vette. He had a head-on collision with a drunk. Boom! Didn't have a chance. He was a good driver too. It's pretty grim when a guy gets it and it's not even his own fault. Needs a paintjob, that's for sure. See that over there? That '41 ? That used to be-- believe it or not-- the fastest car in the valley. I never got a chance to race Earl, though. He got his 1955 in about the hairiest crash we ever had here. Jesus, you should've seen it. Eight kids killed and both drivers. Board of Education was real impressed, so they filmed the whole thing. Now they show it in driver's education classes. Probably see it if you get lucky. Course, pretty tough when they take somebody with them. You've never had an accident though. You told me. Well, I come mighty close. Almost rolled it a couple of times. But I've been just quick enough to stay out of this graveyard. Bet you're the fastest. I've never been beat. A lot of guys tried. Seems to me there's more guys lately than there's ever been. Sneakin'around with the Wolfman, baby. This is gonna strike arawnerve. Mama. Here's The Platters. Oh, yes I'm the great pretender Pretending that I'm doing well My need is such I pretend too much I'm lonely but no one can tell What are you doin', creep? Who, me? No, I'm talkin' to the other 50 creeps here. You know Gil Gonzales? No, I don't. Don't know Gil. Well, you oughta. He's a friend of ours. That's his car you got your butt parked on. - Where you goin'? - Nowhere. You must be goin' some place. You left here, didn'tya? Bring him over here. I want to show him somethin'. Bend down here. Look across here. See? Right across there. You see? - I guess so. - You scratched it, man. Where do you get off sittin' on Gil's car, man? Sorry. It's really not much of a scratch. I don't think you'd see it. It ain't the size that's in question here. It's the principle! Jeez, this is gonna be tough. What should we do with you? Tie him to the car and drag him. You know Toby Juarez? He's a Pharaoh, isn't he? Sure, we know Toby. We killed him last night. Tied him to the car and dragged him. This is gonna take some thinkin'. You better come with us and maybe take a ride with the Pharaohs, huh? No, listen, I'd really like to, but I've gotta-- I'd rather-- I know just howyou feel. - Shotgun. - No, I called it. - When? - Before we picked you up. You can't call it for the whole night. I got it now. Get in the back, punk. Will you get in there? Jesus! Rock 'n'roll will stand, man! Whois this on the Wolfman telephone? - Hello, it's collect. - Your name is Collette? - Yeah, collect call for Wolfman-- - Your name is Collette Call? - Sir, this is the operator. - Are you French, operator?
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