Ramona. Two-three-one. I'll show you. It's easy to fiэ nd. Hi, Steve. Mind if I sit down? No. Have a seat. Just got fiэve minutes off and I saw you all alone... for once. - Where's Laurie? - I don't know. I thought you guys'd be together, this being your last night. - We broke up. - What? - It's no big deal. - What happened? Budda, you got an hour left. Let's get on it. All right, all right, you old fart! Relax! Listen. I'm off in an hour, and I thought you'd maybe like to come over. - I don't know. - Well, why not? This time it'd just be for fun. Okay? Okay. I'll see you later, then. Budda, wait. Listen, l... I gotta get up early in the morning and I don't think it'd work out. I tell you somethin'. That thingjumped about fiэve feet in the air... Listen, I still gotta fiэ nd that blonde. Anyway, we'll catch you tomorrow. I guess so. I don't know. What do you mean, you guess so? We don't admit a lot of guys to the Pharaohs. We got to steal your car coat, things like that. You gotta make up your mind. Rome wasn't burned in a night. - Let's go! - I'll see you, boys. You onlygot about five minutes ifyou want to talk to the Wolfman. Gonna make allyourdreams come true, baby. Hello! Wouldyou dedicate a record to keep me andmygirlfriendtogether? - Areyouseparated? - We're havin 'a littleproblem. I'llbringyou right together. Hold on a minute, man. Everything'sgonna be allright now, man, understand? Ichasedthe evilspirits away. Nowlet meplay the recordforya. Hey, baby. What do you say? Don't say anything and we'll get alongjust fiэ ne. This is the fiэ rst time you've been quiet all night. I had fun. Good-bye. Bye. - Do you like me? - Yeah, I like you. You're all right. But I mean do you like me? I like you. Okay? Couldn't I have something to rememberyou by? - Bye, kid. - Gee, thanks! It'sjust like a ring or something. It's like we were going steady. Wait'll I tell Marcia and everybody! - Don't go overboard with this thing. - I'll see you around. Lhaven't criedso much. Tears andeverything, man. Ileanedtowards the microphone, lalmostshortedmyselfout! - Hold that up. - You're right about that. But why should I leave home to fiэ nd a home? Why should I leave friends that I love to fiэ nd new friends? Wait a minute, wait a minute! I've heard this already. Aren't you the one that told me for eight weeks... that you have to leave the nest sometime? I realize that. No "realizing." You've been telling me all summer... that it's time to stickyour head out ofthe sand... and take a look at the big, beautiful world out there somewhere. Gimme this thing. I feel like a midwife. I may have been wrong, Curt. Wrong, nothing! You've been telling me for eight weeks. - Goddamn it. - Yeah, I know. You'rejust mentally playing with yourself. Just relax and we'll talk about it at the airport. Where're you going? It's awfully early in the morning. - I have a dental appointment. - Come on, Curt. Just relax, will ya? I'll see you at the airport. Some enchantedevening You willsee a stranger You willsee a stranger Across a crowdedroom Andsuddenlyyou'llknow Thatshe is the one - He mustn't have been used to drinking. - No. He likes to drink. He told me so. I knew a man once who got that sick. Billy Weber. That was ten years ago. On his hands and knees like that he looks like a dog, like old Ginger. Sicker'n a dog, that's for sure. - Are you all right? - Oh, rats. I feel terrible. The car! Debbie, look! Debbie, that's the car! Look. It's sitting right here. - Are you sure this is it? - Yeah, sure. This is it. They must've taken the keys with 'em. - Maybe we better go call the police. - No. Wait a minute. I got a better idea. We'll just steal it back, all right? You get some wire... about a foot. We can hot-wire it. Took the header plugs off? Expectin' some action? Yeah, I think so. There's some punk lookin' for
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