you feel it. I mean you can touch it ifyou want. I'll let you feel the upholstery. Okay. - Peel out. - What? Peel out. I just love it when guys peel out. And they came all the way from Stockton. Let's hear it. I don't care ifyou leave this second. And we wanna thank Darby Langdon, who did all these neat decorations. Now the next dance is gonna be a snowball... and leading it off is last year's class president, Steve Bolander... and this year's head cheerleader, Laurie Henderson. - Come on. - "Come on" what? Steven, please. Smile or something. Quit pinching! You think I care ifyou go off? You think I'm gonna crack up? - Boy, are you conceited! - I don't know why I ever asked you out. - You didn't. I asked you out. - What do you mean, you asked me out? Backwards Day. Remember? If I had waited foryou to ask me... Oh, brother! Even after that, you didn't call me for two weeks. - I was busy. - You were scared. Dave Ogler told me. When you did ask me out, you didn't kiss me for three dates. - Well, I was... - Scared. Jim Kiler told me. I even asked my father why you hadn't kissed me. - Your father. Great. - You know what he said? He said he thought you were bright enough... and that you'd probably get around to it after a while. You didn't, ofcourse. I had to. Remember the picnic? Out at the canyon? Boy! You don't remember anything, do you? The fiэ rst one, up at the lake. That was the fiэ rst time you kissed me. I had to practically throw myselfat you. I remember. What's wrong? Go to hell. What are you doin', stealin' hubcaps? - Well, hey, Wendy. - How've you been? Fine. - Great. How you been? - Wait a sec. Wait a minute! Bobbie Tucker. She's got her car. - Heard you're going away to school. - Maybe, maybe. - What? - Same old Curt. All the time we were going together, you never knew what you were doing. - I gotta go. - Where ya goin'? - Nowhere. - You mind if I come along? - Okay. - Okay. Louie, Louie MegOttagO A fine little girl She's waitin 'forme Catch a ship across thesea Sail theship allalone Neverthink I'llmake it home All right, Bolander, break that up. You know the rules. You and your girlfriend wanna do that, go someplace else, huh? Hey, Kroot. Why don't you go kiss a duck? - What did you say? - I said go kiss a duck, marble-head. All right, Bolander, you are suspended. Don't you even come in Monday. You're out! I graduated last semester. Remember? Why don't we go out to the canal? What for? Listen, I can get tough with you too, you know. Hard guy. A double Chubby Chuck, a chili-barb, two orders of French fries and... - Cherry Coke. - And two Cherry Cokes. What? Right. Cool. Hey, Deb. How's my soft baby? Come on. Beat it, Vic. I'm not your baby. Come on, honey. So I never called you back. I been, you know, busy. Yeah, three weeks? Besides, it only took me one night to realize... if brains were dynamite, you couldn't blow your nose. Look who's talking. Who's the wimp you're hangin' out with now? Einstein? Tiger happens to be very intelligent, unlike you. I know everything your dirty little mind is thinking. It shows. Hey, now, buddy, look. The lady obviously doesn't want... Look, creep. You want a knuckle sandwich? No, thanks. I'm waitin' for a double Chubby Chuck. Then keep your smart-ass mouth shut. I'll call you sometime, Deb. - Some night when I'm hard up. - I won't be home. Get out of here. You seem to know a lot ofweird guys. That creep's not a friend of mine. He'sjust... horny. That's why I like you. You're different. L... I am? I mean, you really think I'm intelligent? Yeah. And I bet you're smart enough to get us some brew. Brew? Oh, liquor. Yeah, this place is too crowded anyway. What about your hamburgers and Cokes, sir? Will you speed up? You're gonna lose her. Cut around him. Just hang a right at the corner. Lost her again. - Who is she? -
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