Bill? Mr. Wolfe? Can I speak with you a minute? - Hi, Curt. - Jane. Good luck, Curtis. Yeah. I'll see ya. Thanks a lot. A WolfmanJack exclusive! The Beach Boys, baby. A brand-newgroup. Ipredict theygonnago a long way. This is called "Surfin 'Safari." Let'sgo surfin 'now Everybody's learnin 'how Come on andsafari with me Early in the mornin ' we'llbestartin 'out Some honeys willbe comin 'along The next night we went out with ammunition... Don't you have some homework or somethin' to do? No sweat. My mother does it. Anyway, he thought he was had. He started the car and couldn't see through the windshield... and zoomed straight into the canal. - I still got some... don't try anything. - Watch it, will ya? Jesus Christ! Thanks a lot. Hey, drivin' is a serious business. I ain't havin' no accidents just because ofyou. Come on. Don't give me any grief. I'm warning ya. Spare me, killer. Oh, shit! - Why did you do that? - I don't like that surfiэ n' shit. Rock and roll's been goin' downhill ever since Buddy Holly died. Don't you think the Beach Boys are boss? - You would, you grungy little twerp. - Grungy! You big weenie. If I had a boyfriend, he'd pound you. Yeah, sure. Shit! - Holstein! - Good. A cop. I'm gonna tell him you tried to rape me. I'm gonna tell him how old I am, my parents don't know I'm out... and you tried to rape me. - Yeah, with shaving cream. - Boy, are you up a creek. Come on. Really, Carol, don't say anything. Lfyou say: "I was a dirty bird. Carol's not grungy. She's bitchin'." Say it. I'll tell him. I was a dirty bird. Carol's not grungy. She's bitchin'. I'll think about it. - Where you goin', Milner? - I'm goin' home, sir. - Where've you been? - We were... At the movies, sir. You didn't happen to be around 12th and "G" about 8:30 tonight, did you? No. No, sir. We were at the movies, like I said. I stopped you because the light on your license plate's out. I'm gonna have to cite you for that. And the front end ofthis thing you're drivin'... Iooks a little low. No, sir. It's 121/2 inches, regulation size. It's been checked several times. You can check it ifyou like, sir. Look, Milner. Listen. You can't fool with the law. We know that was you tonight. We have an excellent description ofthis car. I could run you in right now, and I could make it stick. But I'm not gonna do that. You know why? I want to catch you in the act... and when I do, I'm gonna nail you but good. Happy birthday, Milner. Thankyou... asshole. You're a regularJ.D. File that under C.S. Over there. C.S.? What's that stand for? Chicken shit. That's what it is. Ain't he neat? You know a guy around here with a piss-yellow deuce coupe? - Supposed to be hot stuff? - You meanJohn Milner? Ain't nobody can beat him, man. He's got the fastest... - I ain't nobody, dork. Right? - Right. You see this Milner, you tell him I'm lookin' for him, huh? Tell him I aim to blow his ass right off the road. Ain't he neat? What a babe! What a bitchin' babe! Hello. You sure you don't need a lift somewhere? You knowJohn Milner? John Milner's a good friend of mine. Did anybody ever tell you that you look just like Connie Stevens? - You do. I really mean it. - For real? Yeah. I met her once at a Dick Clark road show. - Yeah? You really think I look like her? - Yeah, no shit. I'm sorry. I mean... I mean that I'm notjust feeding you a line. I really thinkyou do. You look like Connie Stevens. - What's your name? - Debbie. I always thought I look like Sandra Dee. - Well, you look a lot like her too. - Is this your car? Yeah. I'm Terry, the... - They usually call me Terry the Tiger. - It's really tough-lookin'. - What school you go to? - Dewey. Can it lay rubber? Yeah, I got a 327 Chevy in it. It's got six Strombergs. That's bitchin' tuck-and-roll. I really love the feel oftuck-and-roll. You do? Well, come in. I'll let
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