- Yeah, hi. This is really a beautiful car, you know? Ofcourse you know it. You know what I'd like to give you for this car? I'd like to give you $1,000! I can't give you that, but I'm not gonna give you a whole line. I'm gonna tell you what I can give you. Come over here. How would you like, for $525, to own this practically new 'Vette? I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm gonna knock ten percent right off the top. How about that? - That's $98 down. - No, I'm sorry. $98 a month. You ask me how can I do this? I'll tell you how I can do it. My boss wants to get rid ofthe sporty cars. - You all right? - I'm fiэ ne. I don't think it's a good idea. - I'm busy. - I want you to listen. I've gotta go! Leave me alone, for God's sake! One, two, three, four At the hop You can rockit, you can rollit Do thestomp, even strollit at the hop When the records startspinnin ', you can mix it with the chicken at the hop Do the dancesensation that's sweepin 'the nation at the hop Let'sgo to the hop You can swing, you cangroove it, you can reallystart to move it at the hop Where thejockey is thesmoothest Andthe music is the coolest at the hop All theguys andchicks canget theirkicks at the hop Let's go! Why are you so depressed? You'll forget him in a week. Afteryou're elected Senior Queen, you'll have so many boys afteryour bod. Peggy, the point is, I do not want to go out with any other guys. Laurie, I know it's a drag, but you can'tjust... Remember what happened to Evelyn Chelnick? When Mike went into the Marines, she had a nervous breakdown... and was acting so wacky she got run over by a bus. I just wish I could go with him. Laurie, jeez! Come on. Hey, zit makeup! Hey, everybody... Just cool it, Steve? Let me see some ofthat stuff. You leavin' tomorrow? - You and Laurie engaged yet? - No, but we got it all worked out. We're still gonna be goin' together, but we can date other people. And screw around. I know. Hey, I hear college girls really put out. When Isawher standing there lhadtopickherup Icouldn 't fail 'Cause lknew lhadto make hermine She's so cool She's so fine I was tryin 'to think ofwords to say So I went up to her andchangedmy fate - Come on. - "Come on" what? - Let's dance. - No, thanks. - Laurie, I said I wanna dance. - Who's stopping you? I thought you might wanna dance with me our last night together. How sentimental ofyou. You'll be back at Christmas. - I want to dance now, not at Christmas. - Get your cooties off me! - Don't make a scene. - Go ahead. Slug me. Scar my face! I wouldn't dance with you ifyou were the last guy in this gym. - This is getting good. - Come on, Eddie, I'll dance with you. You don't mind, do you, Peggy? Joe College strikes out. Feelsogood Take me by my hand Andlet'sgo strollin ' In Wonderland Curtis, come here. Help me, will ya? I'm surrounded. - Come here. - You won't dance? Come on. No, really, I'd like to, but I can't. Ifold Mr. Simpson saw me dancing with one ofyou sexy little... excuse me... one ofyou young ladies, he'd have my rear end. Come on, gentlemen, back inside. Put it out. Let's go. Kids! Want a cigarette? All right. - I thought you'd left. - No, not yet. I have no matches. That's all right. Brother! How do I get stuck with dance supervision? You goin' back east? I remember the day I went off. Got drunk as hell the night before. - Blotto. - Blotto. Exactly. - Barfed on the train all the next day. - Cute. Very cute. Where'd you go again? Middlebury. Vermont. - Got a scholarship. - Only stayed a semester. One semester, after all that. Came back here. Why'd you come back? Decided I wasn't the competitive type. I don't know. Maybe I was scared. Well, I think I may fiэ nd that I'm not... the competitive type myself. - What do you mean? - I'm not really sure that I'm going. Now, don't be stupid. Experience life. Have some fun, Curtis...
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