to be? A cross between piss yellow and puke green, ain't it? You call that a paint job, but it's pretty ugly. I'll bet you gotta sneak up on the pumps just to get a little air in your tires. At least I don't have to pull over to the side just to let a funeral go by. Funny. You know what? Your car's uglier than I am! That didn't come out right. Come on, boy. Let's go. Prove it. Why don't you go out and try to win yourself a few races? Then you come on back and I'll show you a few things. Race him. You can beat him. That's a tough-lookin' girl you got with you, man. Tryin' to pick up a few extra bucks baby-sittin'? Doll, come and ride with me... in about ten years! Leave her out of this. This is between you and me. He's really fast, isn't he? Yeah, but he's stupid. Any of you guys know a blonde in a white T-Bird? I know her. What about it? I'm tryin' to find out who she is. She's out of your price range, man. - My brother's been out with her. - Price range? Are you trying to tell me she's a prost... That's right, she's a $30 Sheri. Can you imagine that? - Thirty bucks for that broad. - We're thinkin' about different broads. Watch it. Fuzz ahead. - Where? - At Jerry's Cherry. You can barely see the fender. Yeah. We oughta do somethin'. I got an idea. I got a good idea. I think I'm gonna go over to Burger City. Yeah, Laurie's probably over there. You think she's got me worried about where she is, don't you? I couldn't care less. - Want to come along? - Yeah, I do. - No. - Make up your minds. No, thanks. We got to report the car missing. All right. I'll see ya. Shut up! They'll hear us. - Listen, Carl... - Curt. Despite you scratchin' Gil's car, I like you. And I know what you'd like more than anything right now. Like every guy in this town, you got the same secret dream, right? You wanna be a Pharaoh. Go ahead. You can admit it. But you didn't think it was possible, did you? Well, tonight... I'm gonna give you your chance. Get down. Okay. Now, you got it? - I'm stayin' here. You're on your own. - Wait a minute, Joe. - What if he hears me? - Listen, listen! Look at it this way. You got three choices. One, you chicken out. In that case, I let Ants tie you to the car and drag you around a bit. - You don't want that, right? - No. Two, you foul up and Holstein hears you, and, well... - You don't want that, right? - No, I don't. Three, you are successful and you join the Pharaohs... with a car coat and a blood initiation and all that. Wait a minute. What blood initiation? Why don't we go get your Jeep? - What are you talking about? - Your Jeep. The one you sold the hunting ponies for. The one with the four-wheel drive. You sure you got enough slack? Yeah, no sweat. Let's get outta here. Come on, Terry. Stand by for justice! I can't believe it. Feeling so good 'cause you're 16. Ooh, you come on like a dream Peaches and cream Lips like strawberry wine You're 16 You're beautiful and you're mine Why are we stopping here? - Carol. - What? I don't think that I can control myself any longer. - You can't? - I've got to have you. Me? All night you've been sitting there and you've been so sexy... and it's been so hot out here... and I can't wait any longer. A lot of that was an act, you know. Like my crying. That was just an act. It's been building up inside of me like a volcano all night. If you told me where you lived, then I could take you home... but you won't tell me where you live, so here we are. I mean, I've got to have you. It's too late. It's not too late. It's never too late! 231 Ramona. Two-three-one. I'll show you. It's easy to find. Hi, Steve. Mind if I sit down? No. Have a seat. Just got five minutes off and I saw you all alone... for once. - Where's Laurie? - I don't know. I thought you guys'd be together,
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