if the prize is you, I'm a ready Teddy. Well, get bent, turkey! Very funny! What a chop! Ha-ha! Quit laughing! - Jump out and flatten their tires. - Wait a minute. - Just do what I say! - All right, boss. It's a really beautiful night tonight. It's a perfect night for horseback riding. I was going with a guy who had horses once. - Yeah? I had a couple of horses myself. - Really? I used them for hunting. I do a lot of hunting. Deer mostly. Got a couple of bear last year. Those were good ponies. Had to train 'em myself. Took a lot of time. Do you still have 'em? We can go for a ride. No, no. I had to sell 'em to get these wheels. And a Jeep. I got a Jeep pickup with four-wheel drive. It's got a gun rack. I use that for hunting mostly. Why do you kill little animals? I think that's terrible. Well, yeah. I figure with bears, though, it's me or them. - I think you're really neat. - Wait a second. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I guess maybe it's the booze or somethin'. - Oh! You pinched me. - I'm sorry. Let me get my head over here. You get up. Okay. My leg, my leg! Watch it. I just love tuck-and-roll upholstery. Jesus, it's like Grand Central Station around here. - Why don't we go someplace else? - Come on. They won't come back. Wait a minute. I got a blanket in the back. Why don't we go over into the field? All right. Okay. - How old are you? - I'm 13. How old are you? - I'm only 14. - I love you, Wolfman. We're gonna do the weather for the valleys and mountaintops. It's gonna be hot. About 200 degrees in Merced. Four hundred degrees out in Fresno. And about 500 degrees up around the valley somewhere. You got the Wolfman Jack Show! This is terrific. I love miniature golf. Is that right? I hate it. I don't play it too often. What are we doing here? We're outta gas, man. They don't sell gas here. I know. But we're outta money too. What are you punks doin'? What's goin' on here? Hi, Mr. Gordon. What's up? Henderson? Curt Henderson? Are you with these punks? These are just some friends of mine. We're just... You know. You had me nervous there for a second, huh? You didn't leave yet, huh? No, I'm not... I'm not scheduled to leave until tomorrow morning. Tomorrow? Hank Anderson's inside. Come in and say good-bye. He brought your name up at the Moose Hall. You got the check? Hank, look who's here. How are you, Curt? What a pleasant surprise. Congratulations, my boy. We're all proud of you. All of us. The Moose scholarship went to the right boy... you. And we're all proud of you. We're all done out here. All done? What's he mean? He means we're all done having loads of fun out here. You can have all the fun you want. This place is for fun. Yes, it is. Thank you. Thank you both. Good luck, son. Before I say good-bye, I hope you'll be taking along with you... a little piece of this place. I think I have. Good. Don't forget us. No, I won't forget you, and you won't forget me. - Bye-bye. - Good-bye and good luck. - It was nice to meet ya. - What he said goes for me too. You just might make it as a Pharaoh yet, boy. Someday he'll make a fine Moose. What's the matter? The radio's gone. That means the car is gone! Come on. Oh, God! Not the car! Oh, no! Anything! Not the car! You know, it doesn't make sense... to leave home to look for home. To give up a life to find a new life. To say good-bye to friends you love just to find new friends. - Wait, could you say that again? - Something Curt said. Figures. You must've talked his ear off tryin' to get him to stay. No, Steven. That's not true at all. I didn't say anything. Curt just said at dinner tonight... that he didn't see what the big hurry was. He thought that he ought to stay and go to J.C. For a while... and try and figure out what he
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