stars, the planets... and the satellites and little bitty space men. You have the wrong number, partner. Wait! What did you say? Quick. Quick. Hang a right. - What? Why? - Steven, cut over to "G" Street. I just saw a vision. I saw a goddess. Come on. You gotta catch up to her. - I didn't see anything. - Come on, Curt. We can't be spendin' half the night chasing girls down for you. Laurie, this was the most perfect, dazzling creature I've ever seen! - She's gone. Forget it. - She spoke to me. She spoke to me through the window! I think she said, "I love you." That means nothing to you people? You have no romance, no soul? Someone wants me. Someone roaming the streets wants me. Will you turn the corner? - Later. - Alligator. You're new around here. Where you from? - Turlock. - You know a guy named Frank Bartlett? No. Does he go to Turlock High? Well, he used to. He goes to J.C. Now. - Do you go to J.C.? - Yeah, sure. Wow! Do you know Guy Phillips? Yeah, sure. I got him in a class. He's so boss! How'd you like to ride around with me for a while? I'm sorry. I can't. I'm going steady. - Come on! - I just can't. You're just ridin' around with a bunch of girls. Anybody else in there wanna go for a ride? You got nothin' to fear. I'm as harmless as a baby kitten. - I'll go! I'll go! - Judy's sister'll go with you, okay? Yeah, sure. Judy, her sister, her mother. Anybody. I'll take 'em all. Listen. We'll go up and stop at that light. It'll turn red by the time we get there. All right? If you ever get tired of going steady with somebody that ain't around... I'm up for grabs. So, you're Judy's little... Shit! How old are you? I'm old enough. How old are you? - I'm too old for you. - You can't be that old. I think you better go back and sit with your sister. Where are they anyway? Are they comin' back? This is a joke, right? This better be a joke, 'cause I'm not drivin' you around! You asked me. What's the matter? Am I too ugly? Judy doesn't want me with her, and now you don't want me with you. Nobody wants me. Even my mother and father hate me. - Everybody hates me. - They don't hate ya. - You throw me out, I'll scream. - No, no. Stay cool. Everything's all right. We'll find your sister. - Can't be too hard to find. - John, you gonna be there tonight? Shit! Hey, get down. - Is this called "copping a feel"? - What? No! Get up. Jesus. - What's your name? - My name? Mud... if anybody sees you. - What do you got in there, kid? - More than you can handle. Excuse me. I think we've had an accident. Damn it, I won't report you this time, but next time, just watch it! - Good evening. How are ya? - Yeah, hi. This is really a beautiful car, you know? Of course you know it. You know what I'd like to give you for this car? I'd like to give you $ 1,000! I can't give you that, but I'm not gonna give you a whole line. I'm gonna tell you what I can give you. Come over here. How would you like, for $525, to own this practically new 'Vette? I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm gonna knock ten percent right off the top. How about that? - That's $98 down. - No, I'm sorry. $98 a month. You ask me how can I do this? I'll tell you how I can do it. My boss wants to get rid of the sporty cars. - You all right? - I'm fine. I don't think it's a good idea. - I'm busy. - I want you to listen. I've gotta go! Leave me alone, for God's sake! One, two, three, four At the hop You can rock it, you can roll it Do the stomp, even stroll it at the hop When the records start spinnin', you can mix it with the chicken at the hop Do the dance sensation that's sweepin'the nation at the hop Let's go to the hop You can swing, you can groove it, you can really start to move it at the hop Where thejockey is the
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