promise. - Do you? I'm not gonna leave you. That was beautiful, John. Just beautiful. - I was losin', man. - What? He was pulling away from me just before he crashed. You're crazy! You creamed him from right off the line. Shit, Toad! The man had me. He was beatin' me. John, I don't know what you're talking about. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. He might as well get a wheelchair and roll himself home. Man, you got the bitchinest car in the valley. You'll always be number one. You're the greatest. Look at your glasses, man. Okay, Toad. We'll take 'em all. - All right. - We'll take 'em. Let's get out of here. Jesus, what a night! - Curt? - Yes! Yes. This is Curt. - Who are you? - Who were you expecting? - Do you drive a white T-Bird? - A white '56. I saw you on Third Street. Who are you? Do you know me? Of course! - How do you know me? - It's not important. It's important! It's important to me. You're the most beautiful, exciting thing I've ever seen in my life... and I don't know anything about you. Listen, listen... - Could we meet someplace? - I cruise Third Street. Maybe I'll see you tonight. No, I don't think so. Tell me your name! At least tell me your name! - Good-bye, Curt. - Wait a minute! Little kiss on your ear. Good night, sweetheart. I'll see you later. Oh, The Spaniels. Good-bye, son. Call us when you get there. I'll miss you. Good luck. Same to you. - Am I gonna see you there next year? - I'll be there. Bye-bye, Curt. Stay cool, man. And don't do anything I wouldn't do. I'll see you, buddy. You probably think you're a big shot going off like this. But you're still a punk. Okay, John. - So long. - So long! Have a good trip.Hey, Curt, you guys gonna have a little bash your last night in town? Moose has been lookin' for you all day. He got worried. Thought you were tryin' to avoid him. What do you got? - Oh, great. - That's $2,000, man. $2,000! Mr. Jennings gave it to me to give to you. He's sorry it's late. It's the first scholarship the Moose Lodge has given out. He says they're all very proud of you back at the lodge. - Why don't you hold it for me? - I don't want it. Take it. It's yours. I'll take it. Listen, your sister calls. I'll talk to you later. - Wait a second. She can wait. - Make it short and sweet, huh? Listen, I don't think I'm gonna be going tomorrow. Come on. What are you talking about? I was thinkin' I could wait a year, go to City for a while. You chicken fink. After all we went through to get accepted? We're gettin' out of this turkey town... and now you wanna crawl back into your cell? You wanna end up like John? You just can't stay 17 forever. - Get that through your head! - I just need some time. I gotta go talk to Laurie. Now take it. Take it! We're leaving in the morning, all right? We're leaving in the morning! We gonna rock and roll ourselves to death, baby! You got the Wolfman Jack Show! Don't with the thing! Will you stop it with the Big Bopper stuff? - Hi, John! - Not too good, huh? Why is it every girl around here is ugly or has a boyfriend? Where is the dazzling beauty I've been searching for all my life? I know what you mean. The pickings are really gettin' slim. The whole strip is shrinkin'. You know, I remember about five years ago... it would take a couple of hours and a tank full of gas... just to make one circuit. It was really somethin'. Hey, John. Someone new in town. Are you gonna go after him? Hey, listen, professor. If he can't find me, then he ain't even worth racin', right? Big shot. Well? Where was I? How you thought high school romances were goofy... and we started dating only because you thought I was cute and funny... but then you suddenly realized... you were in love with me, it was serious...
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