that, right? - No, I don't. Three, you are successful and you join the Pharaohs... with a car coat and a blood initiation and all that. Wait a minute. What blood initiation? Why don't we go get your Jeep? - What are you talking about? - Your Jeep. The one you sold the hunting ponies for. The one with the four-wheel drive. You sure you got enough slack? Yeah, no sweat. Let's get outta here. Come on, Terry. Stand by for justice! I can't believe it. Feeling so good 'cause you're 16. Ooh, you come on like a dream Peaches and cream Lips like strawberry wine You're 16 You're beautiful and you're mine Why are we stopping here? - Carol. - What? I don't think that I can control myself any longer. - You can't? - I've got to have you. Me? All night you've been sitting there and you've been so sexy... and it's been so hot out here... and I can't wait any longer. A lot of that was an act, you know. Like my crying. That was just an act. It's been building up inside of me like a volcano all night. If you told me where you lived, then I could take you home... but you won't tell me where you live, so here we are. I mean, I've got to have you. It's too late. It's not too late. It's never too late! 231 Ramona. Two-three-one. I'll show you. It's easy to find. Hi, Steve. Mind if I sit down? No. Have a seat. Just got five minutes off and I saw you all alone... for once. - Where's Laurie? - I don't know. I thought you guys'd be together, this being your last night. - We broke up. - What? - It's no big deal. - What happened? Budda, you got an hour left. Let's get on it. All right, all right, you old fart! Relax! Listen. I'm off in an hour, and I thought you'd maybe like to come over. - I don't know. - Well, why not? This time it'd just be for fun. Okay? Okay. I'll see you later, then. Budda, wait. Listen, I... I gotta get up early in the morning and I don't think it'd work out. I tell you somethin'. That thing jumped about five feet in the air... Listen, I still gotta find that blonde. Anyway, we'll catch you tomorrow. I guess so. I don't know. What do you mean, you guess so? We don't admit a lot of guys to the Pharaohs. We got to steal your car coat, things like that. You gotta make up your mind. Rome wasn't burned in a night. - Let's go! - I'll see you, boys. You only got about five minutes if you want to talk to the Wolfman. Gonna make all your dreams come true, baby. Hello! Would you dedicate a record to keep me and my girlfriend together? - Are you separated? - We're havin'a little problem. I'll bring you right together. Hold on a minute, man. Everything's gonna be all right now, man, understand? I chased the evil spirits away. Now let me play the record for ya. Hey, baby. What do you say? Don't say anything and we'll get along just fine. This is the first time you've been quiet all night. I had fun. Good-bye. Bye. - Do you like me? - Yeah, I like you. You're all right. But I mean do you like me? I like you. Okay? Couldn't I have something to remember you by? - Bye, kid. - Gee, thanks! It's just like a ring or something. It's like we were going steady. Wait'll I tell Marcia and everybody! - Don't go overboard with this thing. - I'll see you around. I haven't cried so much. Tears and everything, man. I leaned towards the microphone, I almost shorted myself out! - Hold that up. - You're right about that. But why should I leave home to find a home? Why should I leave friends that I love to find new friends? Wait a minute, wait a minute! I've heard this already. Aren't you the one that told me for eight weeks... that you have to leave the nest sometime? I realize that. No "realizing. " You've been telling me all summer... that it's time to stick your head out of the sand... and take a look at
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