call that a paint job, but it's pretty ugly. I'll bet you gotta sneak up on the pumps just to get a little air in your tires. At least I don't have to pull over to the side just to let a funeral go by. Funny. You know what? Your car's uglier than I am! That didn't come out right. Come on, boy. Let's go. Prove it. Why don't you go out and try to win yourself a few races? Then you come on back and I'll show you a few things. Race him. You can beat him. That's a tough-lookin' girl you got with you, man. Tryin' to pick up a few extra bucks baby-sittin'? Doll, come and ride with me-- in about ten years! Leave her out of this. This is between you and me. He's really fast, isn't he? Yeah, but he's stupid. Any of you guys know a blonde in a white T-Bird? I know her. What about it? I'm tryin' to find out who she is. She's out of your price range, man. - My brother's been out with her. - Price range? Are you trying to tell me she's a prost-- That's right, she's a $30 Sheri. Can you imagine that? - Thirty bucks for that broad. - We're thinkin' about different broads. Watch it. Fuzz ahead. - Where? - At Jerry's Cherry. You can barely see the fender. Yeah. We oughta do somethin'. I got an idea. I got a good idea. I think I'm gonna go over to Burger City. Yeah, Laurie's probably over there. You think she's got me worried about where she is, don't you? I couldn't care less. - Want to come along? - Yeah, I do. - No. - Make up your minds. No, thanks. We got to report the car missing. All right. I'll see ya. Shut up! They'll hear us. - Listen, Carl-- - Curt. Despite you scratchin' Gil's car, I like you. And I know what you'd like more than anything right now. Like every guy in this town, you got the same secret dream, right? You wanna be a Pharaoh. Go ahead. You can admit it. But you didn't think it was possible, did you? Well, tonight... I'm gonna give you your chance. Get down. Okay. Now, you got it? - I'm stayin' here. You're on your own. - Wait a minute, Joe. - What if he hears me? - Listen, listen! Look at it this way. You got three choices. One, you chicken out. In that case, I let Ants tie you to the car and drag you around a bit. - You don't want that, right? - No. Two, you foul up and Holstein hears you, and, well-- - You don't want that, right? - No, I don't. Three, you are successful and you join the Pharaohs... with a car coat and a blood initiation and all that. Wait a minute. What blood initiation? Why don't we go get your Jeep? - What are you talking about? - Your Jeep. The one you sold the hunting ponies for. The one with the four-wheel drive. You sure you got enough slack? Yeah, no sweat. Let's get outta here. Come on, Terry. Stand by for justice! I can't believe it, Feeling so good 'cause you're 16, Ooh, you come on like a dream Peaches and cream Lips like strawberry wine You're 16 You're beautiful and you're mine Why are we stopping here? - Carol. - What? I don't think that I can control myself any longer. - You can't? - I've got to have you. Me? All night you've been sitting there and you've been so sexy... and it's been so hot out here... and I can't wait any longer. A lot of that was an act, you know. Like my crying. That was just an act. It's been building up inside of me like a volcano all night. If you told me where you lived, then I could take you home... but you won't tell me where you live, so here we are. I mean, I've got to have you. It's too late. It's not too late. It's never too late! 231 Ramona. Two-three-one. I'll show you. It's easy to find. Hi, Steve. Mind if I sit down? No. Have a seat. Just got five minutes off and I saw you all alone... for once. - Where's Laurie? - I don't know. I thought you guys'd be together, this being your last night. - We broke up. - What? - It's no big deal. - What happened? Budda, you got an hour left. Let's get on it.
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