so? Sure. I think Curt's probably right, for Curt. Not for me, though. Laurie, look at me. You know what I want out of life. And it's just not in this town. I'm not going with you to the airport tomorrow. - No, Steven, don't. - Come on. It's our last night together for three months. I know. But we've been through this before. I'm gonna miss you so much. I need something to remember you by. You don't want me to forget you, do you? No. What's wrong? You're just sitting there. - You want to. Go ahead. - Not like that. If you're not gonna remember me for anything else, just go ahead. Come on. You want it and you know it. Don't be so damn self-righteous with me... after all that stuff you told me about watching your brother. You're disgusting! Get out of my car! I told you never to mention that! So, anyhows, the goat killer-- - Can't we talk about something else? - No. Whenever he strikes, he leaves a bloody goat's head next to the victim. Isn't that creepy? They thought he went up to Stockton, but two nights ago... they found the bodies of Carlie Johnson and Don White... right here at this canal all hacked to pieces. Who do you think 'll take the regionals this year? Not only were there bloody goats' heads all around... but he had switched parts of their bodies. She had on his arms and he had on her legs and-- Wait a second! Did you hear that? - Do you think it's the goat killer? - No! Listen, I'll go for help and you stay here. No, let's get in this field. Come on, come on! Maybe if it's the goat killer, he'll get somebody and we'll see the whole thing. I don't want to see the whole thing! I can't see what he's doing. Darn it, I wish I could see. I can't see anything. I don't wanna see anything. Just keep him away from me. That's all I want. How do I get into these things? We're all right up-- Debbie? - Oh, no! Please! Please! - Terry. - Steve! - What are you doin' up here? Oh, God, Steve. Is it safe to come out? - Where did you go, anyway? - Over there. - Let's get outta here. - Where's my 'rod? - Your 'rod? - Yeah. Did I introduce you? This is Debbie. Debbie, this is Steve. Well? It's in the garage. I put it in the garage for safe keeping. I don't want to take any chances with it. It's a good thing too, because somebody stole our car. - That's terrible. What kind was it? - Where's Laurie anyway? - I guess we broke up. - You broke up? Bull. Doesn't look like a gearshift knob. What is it? - Come on, give it back to me. - What's wrong? You're a tough guy. Go ahead and cream me. Break my arm. See if I care. I was just gonna keep it for a little while. You're an ogre, like my father. He won't let me stay out late, or play records, or anything. Your father won't let you stay out late? No, he's terrible. Once I was out late at a party. He called the cops. Can you imagine? He had the whole police force there. By the way, where is it that you live, Carol? Over on Ramona. Why? Oh, no! You thought I'd tell you where I live? Not me. Not old Carol. The night is young. And I'm not hittin' the rack till I get a little action. What do you keep lookin' at? Who's that? You know him? - He's followin' awful close. - Grab on to something. Hey, man, I'm sorry if I scared ya. You'd have to do a hell of a lot more than that to scare me. I been lookin' all over for ya. Didn't nobody tell you? I can't keep track of all you punks runnin' around here backwards. You're supposed to be the fastest thing in the valley. But that can't be your car. It must be your mama's car. I'm sort of embarrassed to be this close to you. I'm not surprised, drivin' a field car. Field car? What's a field car? A field car runs through the fields, drops cow shit all over the place. That's pretty good. I like the color of your car, man. What's that supposed to be? A cross between piss yellow and puke green, ain't it? You
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