ll I tell Marcia and everybody! - Don't go overboard with this thing. - I'll see you around. I haven't cried so much. Tears and everything, man. I leaned towards the microphone, I almost shorted myself out! - Hold that up. - You're right about that. But why should I leave home to find a home? Why should I leave friends that I love to find new friends? Wait a minute, wait a minute! I've heard this already. Aren't you the one that told me for eight weeks... that you have to leave the nest sometime? I realize that. No "realizing." You've been telling me all summer... that it's time to stick your head out of the sand... and take a look at the big, beautiful world out there somewhere. Gimme this thing. I feel like a midwife. I may have been wrong, Curt. Wrong, nothing! You've been telling me for eight weeks. - Goddamn it. - Yeah, I know. You're just mentally playing with yourself. Just relax and we'll talk about it at the airport. Where're you going? It's awfully early in the morning. - I have a dental appointment. - Come on, Curt. Just relax, will ya? I'll see you at the airport. Some enchanted evening You will see a stranger You will see a stranger Across a crowded room And suddenly you'll know That she is the one - He mustn't have been used to drinking. - No. He likes to drink. He told me so. I knew a man once who got that sick. Billy Weber. That was ten years ago. On his hands and knees like that he looks like a dog, like old Ginger. Sicker'n a dog, that's for sure. - Are you all right? - Oh, rats. I feel terrible. The car! Debbie, look! Debbie, that's the car! Look. It's sitting right here. - Are you sure this is it? - Yeah, sure. This is it. They must've taken the keys with 'em. - Maybe we better go call the police. - No. Wait a minute. I got a better idea. We'll just steal it back, all right? You get some wire... about a foot. We can hot-wire it. Took the header plugs off? Expectin' some action? Yeah, I think so. There's some punk lookin' for me. Why the hell do they bother? You've always been number one. Been a long time, ain't it? I'll see you. Thanks. Hi, this is my car. What I mean is, somebody stole... No, I mean, I lost my car, see? And I want to thank you two guys for retur... I mean, now listen. Now, listen, guys. I've been sick, and this kind of activity can really be hard on a guy. Easy. Easy. Stop it! Stop it! Help! Police! Help! Stop it, you creeps! - Go, John! - Get him! Come on, get up! Come on! What the hell's going on here, Toad? Man, are you all right? Yeah, I'll die soon and it'll all be over, John. Wow, you're just like the Lone Ranger! Listen... Are you with him? You're talking to the woman I love. What happened, man? - Hi, Steve. - Hi, Judy. Hi, Karen. Where's Laurie? We know where she is. So what? So nothing. It's just that she was with a really cute guy... in a really boss car. And we thought you just might know who it was. - I'm sorry, but I wouldn't know. - We know. His name's Bob Falfa. Bring two cherry Cokes with lots of ice. No, never mind. Just bring the ice. Pronto. Out! Out! Get out of the car. Steve, what are you doin'? Just get out and shut up. You too. Get out. Get out! - What's going on? - I don't know, but I'm gonna find out. I can't believe it. You practically get killed trying to get your car back... then you let him have it. It's not my car. What? It is not my car. Well, then, where is your car? I don't have a car. What about your Jeep? How am I gonna get home? Where's your car? I have to hang 'em on a car. I need a ride. Toad, what happened to you? Did you lose your car again? No, Steve took it. I want to go to sleep. You got to take it easy when you drive that car of yours. You've got to cruise easy, baby. Don't be
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