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Аленький цветочек

1   2   3   4   5  
That's it. Quiet. Let's sleep.
Maybe he's not a beast?
I'll die without you...
Where are you?
Answer me!
I'm back!
Why couldn't you wait for me?
Why did I ask my father
to bring me the scarlet flower?
Why did he go about his wanderings?
Why did I meet you,
and why did I lose you?
Why should I live without you?
I love you!
I love you as my most desired prince!
Where are you going?
Tonight we'll have a ball,
a masquerade, fireworks!
The master asked you
to attend his wedding.
He didn't understand anything!
Don't tell him I was crying.
The master has forgiven you.
I'm not crying, I'm just happy about
leaving that hole.
Madam, it's wonderful
that you're crying!
It means you might get back
your kind heart.
On a day like that
we must not bear grudges.
Shut up!
Ask him if he remembers a girl
with a red flower in her hair?
Does he remember how she gave it
to him and he just laughed?
Big deal! Laughed!
Love forgives even worse things.
- It means there was no love.
- What can you know about love?
No one knows anything about love.
But it must bring happiness.
Here's your peacock and your
turtle. Go!
To think that without me,
this wedding would've never happened.
It all began with me.
How can I let her go?
She will do something crazy again,
she'll catch a cold, she'll cough.
I can't let her go until
she gets back her kind heart.
Madam, wait!
I'm going with you.
They will be fine without me here.
Why are you hiding?
I'm not hiding,
I'm looking at you.
And I'm looking at you.
The End
Аленький цветочек

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