cut into two equal parts. If you fix it to her horns, the explosion will be as strong as a hammer blow from the local smith. To the horns! A bit to the right. Not to hurt her eyes. Everything will be all right, commander. I was right: the submarine was not on a firm ground. Is it on a firm ground now? Now it is. I nearly had a yellow streak. Me, too. So afterthis story the cow started giving milk. I bit my tongue. We hit the bottom, but we are together, and Spartak is the best! Spartak is the best! Golden fish, keep us all alive... I am not afraid, not at all. Maybe a little bit. Board 26! Here is the principal direction of the search. The sector 90- 090... We are going out by threes. The first and the last will be the most experienced ones. I will stay in. When you all surface, captain Orlov will go back here with a breather, and we go up together... Captain, what about your diving suit? - No more questions. - Yes, sir. Comrade captain, my breather is defective. Same with mine. And with mine, too. Krauz, you were in charge of breathers, weren't you? Yes. Have you checked them? Have they been in order? Don't you have anything to tell us? I report: I had no time to sell this, I should have left them with my daughter. My wife said: Wearthem yourself, Hans. I promised, when our daughter was born... with rubies. Unpaid debts - is a bad sign. I shouldn't have taken them along. - Tie him up! -With what? Gimme the scarf. Don't. Don't humiliate me, Peter. Why, Nikolai? Nikolai! A knuckle sandwich will tell him about discipline. Lieutenant Orlov! Discipline goes as follows: you are the last sailor in my cell! The last sailor? Do you know who is to be the last but one? So, brothers, you have blown it! - You were receiving the breathers? - Lieutenant Orlov! Stop it! - Restore power supply. - Yes. Mukhambetov! Follow me with the instruments! Playing dolls with them? Hit them in the mugs! Better late, than never. - Say it! -We were standing... - Go on! - Then he came up and said: 'Let's go and receive breathers.' We took a truck and set off. We would stop every now and then. Why? What for? When Krauz saw someone passing by he would tell the driver to stop and he'd go out. Then he went out and ordered us to go and get the breathers. Get the breathers. Go! Yes, sir! - He tried to sell earrings. - You know, captain... Krauz's wife two-times him with a kiosk guy, because he has heaps of money, and a sailor has empty pockets, although he has ten autonomous missions to his credit. Krauz loves his wife, and they have a daughter... So he started borrowing money to buy earrings, to keep his promise. And the bitch wouldn't accept them. - How do you know this? -After a hearty drink... You drink with someone, he opens his heart to you. Though, there is a risk of opening your own heart. I see. So, you received the breathers? Did you check them? We were told: 'The breathers are fresh from the plant.' We said: We have to check them. They said: check any one at random. -And the truck was honking. - Have you checked them? - Only one. -Was it charged? Yes... Nelly, I propose to you, from my very heart. Hey, Romeo, 'twas not in the deal. - You'll break your neck. - Don't worry. Pick up your stuff. I've come foryou. Vanya and I are getting married. I know that you love 'me'. Not him, but me. Vanya and I are getting married. Nonsense! We'll rectify it right now. Hold it! - Peter. - Shit! Peter! - Lieutenant Orlov! - Here! - Come to me. - Yes, sir! We'll come back and get repaired. - Take a seat. - Yes, sir! Whom, in your opinion, shall we send? A sailor is no advisor to a captain. Sorry I hurt yourfeelings. I lost my nerve. We need someone physically strong, a good swimmer and diver, an experienced person. And a person of moral integrity. I know such a person. Captain Ivan ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Астенический синдром на английском - текст Особенности национальной охоты на английском - текст Тринадцатый апостол на английском - текст Бременские музыканты на английском - текст Флаббер на английском |