had her own way of praying.' Mama, read louder, I do not sleep anyway, and Gena is a sound sleeper. I will stay with him. -What do you mean? - You know what I mean. Fresher! I thought that was the end. I got cramps in my leg. -Where is Fresher? -We were hit by a strong wave! Have you been conceived by a flaccid prick, scholar? Didn't I tell you: nojerking with your legs. Fresher, are you okay? - I'm fine. - Never mind. We'll shall yet break-dance with you. 'We're made of different stuff', right? Some scholar. The road between Moscow and Leningrad is lousy with them. I know why you elbowed your way to the submarine. I know your kind. You wanted triple salary, right? You, scorpion. You shouldn't have said this. You don't know a thing about me. - Nor do I want to. - But your status... - Status of a soldier? - I do not think it's funny. You're right, status of a defender of my country. But whom should I defend here? Myself. - Your self?. - Myself. Explain to me: why the heck I should defend you? Because you have your straps, and I haven't. So what? It is your duty to defend citizens of your country. Whetheryou like them or not. - Is it clear now? - Clear. Aren't you a Ukrainian guy by any chance? I'm Russian. Why? We had a guy named Chan - also a Russian. But he turned out to be a Ukrainian, an ex-politician. Comrades submariners! Today we may at last say that our cherished dream came true. Now we, citizens of the free Ukraine, possess the sea, the sun and this sacred land. We are no longer somebody else's granary feeding our hungry and lazy big brother, who is fond of drinking into the bargain. After some time our country will become like Slavic France or Canada. Where is Ivan? Nelly is in heavy labours. Today we are all to face heavy labours. Captain Ivanov! - Yes, sir! - You, pubic bone... ljoin the military and pledge solemnly to the Ukrainian people to be a loyal and faithful officer, to protect Ukraine, its sovereignty... To abide in good faith Ukraine's Constitution and its laws, to keep the state and military secrets. I pledge to perform my duties in the interests of my compatriots, neverto betray the Ukrainian people. Captain Konovalenko! After Ivanov you, Konovalenko, have no choice. Olga won't forgive you. Captain Konovalenko! Mikola, you promised to your wife and in-laws. They are not here now. You have your house and garden here. You prefer naked sands and polar night and rachitis foryour kids? Those willing to take a pledge to Ukraine two steps forward. The others follow me! Yanychar, wait! Hold your people! It is an order! You darned condom. Orchestra! Orchestra! - 'Slav Girl Farewell'! - Yes, sir! The crew, march on! I got frightened! This is a pretty sham sinking! I thought they were alive, but they were all dead! Shut up! Why didn't you tell me the truth? Where's the commander? - Commander. - You didn't tell me the truth! You need the truth? All right. The third cell is flooded, same as the second one. If the first one is flooded too, we are the only survivors. And ourturn will also come soon... You know: 'The world paid so little attention to him 'that he considered himself a dead man'. What? What are you going to do? Will you bring here some light. Give me a hand. - Comrade captain... - Here. Wind gets stronger, 20 meters per second. Turbulence 5 points. Visibility reduced down to 5,5 km. Continue the search in the defined area. Start sending signals in keeping with the instructions. Mukhambetov. Have you taken the pliers? What do you mean: 'where'? In our language it means 'yes'. Roman cleans the debris, Put the hardware on torpedoes. Deryugin, how are you? Those rooting for 'Spartak' are never stuck. 'Spartak' is the champion! We are all champions here. - Let it be light! - Mukhambetov, you are the best. I wonder, Ivan ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Долговая яма на английском - текст Donggam на английском - текст Остров сокровищ на английском - текст Великий Зигфилд на английском - текст ...за имя Мое на английском |