Guardhouse We may go free, great people. -What is this stinkaroo? - It's rap. Music is crummy, but I like the words: 'We are made of special stuff'. It's about us, submarine guys. Unless you are back by the flag hoisting, the captain will turn your furry side in, same forthe rest of us. - Throw it on thejunk. -Why? You go forthe mission -your battery goes dead. This is real watch! A German trophy. My grandpa confiscated it from a German officer. You say 'furry side in'? Gena can do it... Legkostupov! The meaning of your name is 'airy, fluent'. Why did you spell 'frock' like 'frog', greatcoat like 'greetcoat'... Are you kidding? There are words in Russian language, many words. You put them together and make sentences with a subject, a predicate and the rest. And all this is the great Russian language! Understand? Yes, captain! So: the Russian language is great. Make predicate and subject trade places - you get intonation... or 'bitterly our mother cries'. Understand? This is poetry! It's epos, mother's beaver! And there are one-word sentences: Raining. Snowing. Dusking... - You see? - Yes, captain! When I read what you've written, my most private areas start itching. One may break his cock from reading this. I'd treat yourteacher like our doggy tore my slipper! - I was taught in my school. - Sure thing. I wish they were as clear... Gennady... SLAV GIRL At ease! Katyusha, what happened? I've bought potatoes. You have forgotten your mug. Thanks. 'People can't see there exist some lofty things. 'AII those sects, communists, fascists: 'they try to wash our brains with their manifestos. 'But they don't know we are made of different stuff.' - I can manage myself. - Sure, you're a grown-up. You're full of mischief, Gena. What a person! I mean the way you behave. -Where are you from? - SM. Space Medicine Institute. - Space? - Exactly. But since they wrap up space programs, I was sent to your submarine. All right. There are no outsiders in our boat. So, root yourself in, as our commander says. But I have my research program to attend. You know, your program is fine... -Are you a doctor? - In a way... So, it is your line... It's like this... We have been sent from Norway, as a lend-lease aid, you know, a batch of latex girls. You know, inflated rubber girls... It is strong latex. 3 mm, the average size. - For what? - Not for what, but for whom. Forthe captain and forthe mate. But keep it underthe hat, since the batch is small The crew somehow manages, but these guys... -Are you kidding? - Not at all. They've no you-know-what for 6 months on end. - So you have to receive them. -Where shall I receive them? At the storage facility. I'll show you the way. Are you from the 'Slav Girl' too? - That's right. - Never seen you. -Which cell? - Machine cell. That's why you smell of solar oil. - Your name? - My name? - Yes, your name. - Fresher. - Not an old-timer, sure. - No, that's my name. - Bad name. -Why? A not-by-the-book name. It'll do during yourfirst year, But then you'll be made a laughing stock. It'll be hell foryou. - Now we'll surely be late. - Never. - He's one of our crew. - That's right. - 1st cell commander. - So, hop into the car. - On the double! -What about you? I prefer cars with an air conditioner and a safety bag. - Follow order! - Yes, sir! - Good afternoon, sir. - Get in. The crew, dress! Attention! Thanks, Mitrich! The crew of'Slav Girl' Submarine is ready for exercises. Everybody is present but the commander of cell 1. Lieutenant Orlov. At ease. At ease! Good afternoon, comrade captain! Same to you. So, have you been debriefed already? Yes, but there is a little predicament. What predicament? -Women... -What women? From Norway. Lend-leased latex girls. Foryou and forthe mate. They say they've run out of them. Well, my dear busters, Won't ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Надолго ли? на английском - текст Незнайка на Луне на английском - текст Джентльмены удачи на английском - текст Хлеб, золото, наган на английском - текст Стальной рассвет на английском |