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200-пудовая красотка

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big fool.
Why'd you take my dog?
As a hostage?
That's enough.
You find me repulsive
with plastic surgery?
I said enough! Stop it.
So you avoided me.
Watch your voice.
I'll do the concert.
I'll do it well. But...
Get rid of these.
They're repulsive and scary.
I'm fine.
It doesn't hurt.
It's nothing, compared to
what I went through.
I cut off my bone and skin.
Laying on the table...
You know whom I thought of?
I never knew...
I thought that was painful.
But this is worse.
You broke my heart.
Tissue won't fix it.
Now you cut yourself?
You should be able to fix
something simple like this.
Give it a shot, okay?
Thanks, Doc.
And pay me.
You're making a fortune.
That ticket is expensive.
Please, come.
I want money,
not a concert ticket.
God damn it!
It's complimentary!
What's wrong?
Aren't you going to the concert?
Someone sent this.
I'm sorry.
I'll take the responsibility.
You will?
Okay then.
Cancel the concert.
I can't do that.
Dad, that's unnecessary.
I will quit.
Stay out. If we don't,
this will go to the press.
That she was a singer
for Ammy.
It isn't just about the label.
What about cosmetics?
You'll eat them all?
You know the contract
inside and out.
Unless you'll pay penalty,
do as I say.
Put out her nude album.
Do it before it's too late.
We'll squeeze out of her
whatever we can.
You're grown old.
And scared.
Son of a bitch,
I made you who you are!
Company's stock price...
You forgot
who helped it rise?
I know who's behind this.
I'll handle it.
We're doing the concert.
And it'll be a success.
Let's go.
We have a concert to do.
Get up.
Damn, he messed it up.
I made it worse.
You said it didn't hurt.
But it does.
Don't worry about it.
I'll handle Ammy.
Jung-min, last night...
I'm sorry.
About what?
You brought my dad?
Your dad?
Oh, that old man?
He slept at my place.
Cause he was locked
out of the hospital.
And, doesn't he have to
see your concert?
If you got a problem,
tell me.
Then again,
he means nothing to you.
Jenny! Jenny! Jenny! Jenny!
Why can't you do it?
I said it was okay.
Don't you get it?
This isn't for me
nor Ammy.
It's your show.
Do it for yourself.
For nobody else,
but yourself.
I can't do this.
I really can't.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I'm not Jenny.
I'm Hanna. KANG Hanna.
I was an ugly, fat girl.
So... I sang for someone else
hiding in the back.
Then I got plastic surgery.
From head to toe...
Now that I'm pretty...
I can sing.
I've been in love.
I was so happy
being Jenny.
But I'm sorry.
I ruined it.
I've deserted my friend.
My dad.
And myself.
I don't know who
I am anymore.
I can't remember
what I looked like.
I can't.
I miss you, Hanna.
That's me.
KANG Hanna.
It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Jenny isn't here.
But if you wanna hear...
...that fat, ugly girl sing...
Please, listen to me sing
once for all.
# Crawling to me like a dream
# My little star up high
Dazzling my eyes
# Shining brightly
# Falling on my shoulders
# Don't be sad anymore
# Holding my hands tightly
Caressing my wound
# It embraces me warmly
# Too hurt for my legs to walk
# Eyes so blurry with tears
# Before love
Never meant for me
# I will keep on smiling
# Dear moments with you
# Buried deep in my heart
# Like those stars
embroidered in my eyes
Look at you.
Your undershirt shows.
Can you tell?
No, you can't.
Dad, I really didn't know.
Sang-jun, I love this.
# Like those stars
embroidered in my eyes
# I will love you forever
"A Shocking Confession
Jenny was a fake!"
Jenny went down like that.
But Hanna made it.
How? Beats me.
Lower it a bit.
Make it lower.
That's nice.
It's cool, isn't it?
It's cool.
She's got more fans now.
More anti-fans, too.
"A pig"? I'll kill you!
Stay away from me!
I don't think
she likes me anymore.
200-пудовая красотка 200-пудовая красотка

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