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hate her being fat.
And you were desperate...
...to sell your products.
If you loved her...
Why'd you have to dump her?
You bastard!
Wait! What's wrong?
You don't know?
Is it a crime to be ugly?
We're not charity cases.
I have so much to say, but...
Wait! Who are you?
What's going on?
Who's this?
Who are you?
Oh, you're in this together.
Calm down!
Hey! You two are dead.
Stay right here.
I'll call the cops.
You okay?
My nose...
Call the cops.
Or take this and shut up.
What'd I tell you?
That miniskirt is
an invitation to a rapist.
Look what happened.
Sorry. What if I was late?
Let's go.
Get her dress!
She's here.
1 minute to go. Standby.
What happened?
How much time?
Less than a minute!
Look who's here.
Isn't this Sang-jun?
What's that?
Is that her concept?
Sang-jun, this concept
doesn't appeal to me.
Don't worry.
They'll love your voice.
This is it.
Show them what you got.
We can't lose to them.
Can you do it?
Okay. I believe in you.
No matter what...
Get a room!
Get out there!
Okay, Jenny.
They're not a couple.
Trust me.
Here is Jenny!
# Here we go again
# Make it hot, Baby
# Oh, don't be afraid
# High in the sky
The sun shines the way
# Oh, don't you stop, Baby
# Maria Ave maria
# Fly and catch those clouds
# Maria Ave maria
# Strong against violent waves
She's pretty good.
# Maria Ave maria
She's good.
# Fly and catch those clouds
# Maria Ave maria
# Strong against violent waves
What's her concept?
It's singing.
What's yours?
Strawberry milk?
# Maria Ave maria
# Flay and catch those clouds
# Maria Ave maria
# Strong against the violent waves
# Maria~
This sauna thing is okay.
You're a phony
Thanks to a new model,
the sales have...
Skyrocketed! Dad?
Spit out the gum.
"New star comes up!"
I'm drunk.
God, this is awkward.
He'll know they're fake
if he touches them.
Not there.
Not there, either.
Should I sing for you?
You wanna work now?
This way.
Come on.
Answer it.
Answer it, will you?
I know it all.
You even watch porn.
What are we doing?
What type do you want?
A nurse, a high school girl,
a secretary?
What? A nurse?
Okay, it's a favorite pick.
A nurse it is.
Jenny, open the door.
This isn't it.
Just try to relax.
It'll help.
What should I do with it?
Should I rip it?
See? There you go.
You can wear it over your head.
Hakuna Matata. The African symbol
has granted me my wish.
Do many Korean girls
do plastic surgery?
Do you know how it feels
hiding your love?
You wrote this song?
When you were writing it...
What came across your mind?
I just wrote it
looking at the stars.
What are you doing?
Watching porn again?
About last night...
It never happened, okay?
Last night...
Leave, will you?
Let me finish watching porn.
Jenny's Album Launching Party
Pull that up. If Sang-jun sees it,
he'll be upset. Hello?
Damn, she's almost naked.
I'll be back.
Hey. Hey! Congrats!
Your fan is here.
Someone dying to see you.
I can't hear you.
I brought this for you.
- Here.
- What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Take it.
You know him?
Just... A fan of mine, I hear.
Who brought him?
Did you?
Take him back home.
He's your fan.
Why didn't you take the doll?
Let's go.
Still here?
Go to bed early
for the concert tomorrow.
I know that old man.
I know.
He's your fan.
No. I mean he is...
Stop it. KANG Hanna.
What'd you just call me?
Don't worry.
Nobody else knows.
I didn't, either.
When'd you find out?
Is that important?
You're Jenny now.
And it's Jenny's
first concert tomorrow.
How... You knew
he was my dad?
I gave both Hanna
and Jenny a chance.
It's scary.
So I'm only a product.
Hanna is worthless,
but Jenny is worth a fortune.
Is that it?
Because of you...
That I've been deceiving you...
It's been so hard.
Now I see I was a
200-пудовая красотка 200-пудовая красотка

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