buy anything from him. I'm not like you. I know. Like I did. No, like the old Hanna. Don't do everything his way like a fool. At the end of the day, you get the same thing. "We're too different." He'll never say you're ugly and fat. Like the old saying, nothing beats experience. Confess to him. What are you doing here? That video... Should we study it more? Come in. Mr. CHOI once told me. Do many Korean girls do plastic surgery? I'm just asking. What do you think about it? Didn't you tell me you didn't understand? What are you doing? You said it was for those who lack confidence. I think the same. Stop it. Come here. Sorry. Let's go. We're doing the concert. It's been a while. Love! How'd you end up here? What happened? I'm sorry. It's my bad. Love! You feed her raw fish? Why am I yawning? She loves raw fish. Anyway, we're on the same page about plastic surgery. Go away. Then again... Desire to become pretty isn't a bad thing. Men who are only after pretty women are bad. And these days... Okay, okay. And these days... Hey. Bang! And it's like cosmetics today. Why do they hide it then? They hate revealing it. It's a lame self-justification. Can't you see? That's why you stand out in this business. This is fresh. Eat some. About plastic surgery... I've thought about it. I think I can understand. Only if it's not my girl. I absolutely hate it. But I understand. Let's go. Go, Natural beauty! Goodnight. Jenny! Out of the way! Hi. What's wrong? You shot a film here. How long has it been? Who put you up to this? Put it out. Nobody did. I just like her so much. Aren't you that delivery man? That's right. You remember me. I understand, but... Why laughing? It tickles. If this gets out, it's the violation of publicity. I like her so much, and... You like her so much... ...but didn't care how she feels being watched? Documenting her private life is a crime. No, it was for myself. Stop laughing. This is what stalkers do. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Wait. Don't be too harsh. Give him a break. He did it out of liking me. What's the big deal? What's a person to do when all they can do is... from afar? Do you have any idea what it feels like... ...not being able to confess one's love? Excuse me. How do you know so well how I feel? This is what you had to say, right? Daddy... Ammy! Let go of me. Let go. Becoming someone new? You have to forget yourself. Your past, memories... Erase them all. I even sweat pretty. Maria. Ave maria, a~ maria~ mari Practicing at the sauna will help. Tell me. Do you have to sing? Of course! Singers sing. You kidding me? No. All I'm saying is... Do what you can. You'd be God if you did everything you want. What? It's what my dad says. God is the only one who can do everything. We humans do what we're capable of. You're a phony Is this van a phony? Jenny, it's your phone. Hello? What? Jung-min did? To a hospital? Why? Jung-min tried to kill herself. It's your first TV show. You can't screw it up. My friend is more important! We were quiet worried. But we found nothing in her stomach. It'd been digested. 30 sleeping pills can be lethal for others. So she's in a coma? She's just sleeping. Like a bear hibernating. It can't be explained medically. She was lucky. 30 sleeping pills could kill an elephant. What's this? She bought this? A home sauna? Jenny? I've been calling you, Babe. What's going on? Think of what you want for lunch. Hey, Su-jin. How are you? Su-jung! I meant Su-jung. Wanna go swimming? Excuse me. I'll call you back. Did you dump her because you loved her? Why so fast? You should've waited to see what a home sauna can do. Did you tell her not to go on a diet? "I'll be upset if you lose weight." You told her so? Why didn't you be a man and tell her the truth? That you
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