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Главная / 200-пудовая красотка

200-пудовая красотка

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Hey, you're bleeding.
Are you okay?
It doesn't hurt.
This is embarrassing.
I'm really okay.
The damage to your car is bad.
Know any garage?
I know a good one.
What's your cell number?
I saw the whole thing.
You cut in front of her.
Didn't I?
What was I thinking?
Check her license.
She might not have one.
Are you a cop?
Check her license!
Can I see it?
There's nothing to worry.
If your friend confirms your ID,
we'll let you go.
I knew she didn't have
a license.
How convenient.
Plastic surgery?
Which hospital is it?
I should get it done, too.
Her friend is coming.
We don't need her, do we?
I want some... Pork.
Why didn't you feed her?
We sure did!
You should've fed her
3 portions at a meal.
Let's get out of here
and eat some pork.
God, you've lost
so much weight.
When'd you get a perm?
Do I know you?
It's really you!
The silicon might slip
out of place.
Look at you!
What? Go where?
I shouldn't?
They'll recognize you.
You disappeared a year ago.
They've been looking
all over for you.
You ruined Ammy's 2nd album.
They're looking hard
for your replacement.
I can be the replacement.
They'll like me
since I have the same voice.
If they find out, you're done.
You didn't recognize me
until I told you.
No way!
I hate myself
I know I'm fool
But, I can't stop loving you
It hurts me
You're hurting my ears.
See you later.
I'm just so nervous.
Give me another shot.
Get out!
Excuse me? Here.
A Korean-American?
Send her in.
It says here
you're fluent in Korean.
A little bit.
Lose those shades.
Face us, will you?
Hit it.
# The wind knocks on the window
# Over the room as small as me
# Twinkling stars so beautiful
Filling the room with love
# Don't be hurt
# Caressing my wound gently
# Embracing me to sleep
# Too hurt for my legs to walk
# Eyes so blurry with tears
# Before love
Never meant for me
# I will keep on smiling
She's a slugger.
Look at her, man.
She's far from a slut.
# Like those stars
embroidered in my eyes
# I will love you forever
I think it's over.
Wait outside, please.
We're good now!
We're good!
Sang-jun, congratulations.
Putting out my album now?
Leave us alone.
Ammy, let's go.
Can't you see who she is?
You know me, don't you?
I think I know you.
You can tell?
You can, can't you?
Of course I can.
Why can't you be honest?
Thought you could fool me?
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Listen. I just...
You're no different.
Why lie to me?
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
The department store,
the used car market...
You followed me?
Thought I wouldn't know?
You told her I'm the best
producer in the business?
Yes, I am.
Why couldn't you face me...
...and tell me
you wanna be a singer?
Yes, I do.
I want to be a singer.
Yes, she'll be awesome.
A top singer.
Let's go!
What's wrong with you?
She's a dog.
Why the tears?
Look what you did.
You made her cry.
By the way...
Let's get your face fixed up.
Slit your eyes bigger
and get your nosed raised.
No! No way.
You know what?
I'm too scared to go
under a knife.
Plastic surgery?
I would never do it.
It's for those who lack
confidence in themselves.
Are you telling me
I'm not pretty enough?
No, I'm not.
A natural beauty?
I love it!
Good for building your image.
Right, Sang-jun?
So you're all natural?
I surely am.
Let's sign a contract.
Take a good look at her.
Think about it, Dad.
Jenny has a quality
that you can't find...
...in any other girls today.
What's so special about her?
She looks a bit awkward.
Personally, I prefer Ammy.
An image of innocence.
A natural beauty.
It's what money can't buy.
Right. That's what it is.
You're sleeping her,
aren't you?
She's not a tramp.
She has a special quality
that money can't buy.
Can't you see that?
200-пудовая красотка 200-пудовая красотка

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