- Endorse them. Just do the first one. If you do this again, we're done. It was the last of him I saw. I'm sorry. I don't deserve a girl like you. I'll pray for you to meet someone better than me. Amen. That day, I decided not to eat. And to lose some weight. Move. This requires a skill. Grab that end. Lift her at the count of 3. One, two, three. Lift her. I said at the count of 3. You lifted at 2. Hey! Yes? Lift at 3, okay? We need to work together. Grab it. At 3, okay? One, two, three! Bring that bed. Put them together. We'll roll her over. I'll do it. Excuse me? I'll roll over. Why didn't you wake her? I learned that night. I'm not cut out for love and diet. It's Hakuna Matata. Africans believe it grants them their wishes. Oh! Nicely done. Are you hung over? Give it some feelings. God! It's a vital part. Try to feel the rhythm. It's taking forever. She's trying hard? Is trying hard enough? Everyone does that. Doing well is what counts. Like you. Keep up the good work. - Chances are slim. - I believe in you. Why does my hope get higher? Thanks for the ride. You're welcome. Who are you visiting? Someone that I love. Who's he? Check me out. Sorry! Bye. Wait. I'm having a birthday party tomorrow. Don't miss it. I'm dancing with my dad. But he's dancing with my mom. What do I mean? Darling, how's Hanna? I told you. She's become a singer. And she's in love. Darling? Why do you get heavier by the day? Let's keep on dancing. A delivery for you. "Hanna, I'm so grateful for your hard work." "Wear this dress to my birthday party." "HAN Sang-jun" HAN Sang-jun? It's a dress? What's this? A strap on the bus? I'm not so sure. Hi! Hi. Hanna, sit here. Come on. Pass around drinks. Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry. You could've come around. Thanks. Just come! Thanks. I got you something. You shouldn't have. Oh, I love this. Thanks. Take off your coat. It's so heavy. Aren't you hot? Make yourself comfortable. Yes. Go ahead. You sent it. So I'm wearing it. Yeah? Yeah, Hanna. Wear a dress like that more often. I'm totally fine with that. Right? I love the design. She's here. Is she the Queen? You don't need to announce her. Let her in. Where are you going? I feel like dancing. Let her through. - Hold on. - What? They're cleaning. Use the other restroom. You're so funny. How stupid can you get? I'd never know. I wanna live with style. But you're not helping. That's a problem for me. Miss backup dancer days? The bitch gets on my nerves. If so, you sing. You think I like her? You don't have to remind her what a turnoff she is. Leave her be. Be grateful she's come to us. I'll teach her a lesson. Give me back the keys to the house and the car. Then teach her a lesson. Why are you crying? Why? Hanna is the one to be crying. She's talented, but ugly and fat. You're untalented, but gorgeous and sexy. You got it all going. She exists for you. Listen. We're just using her. Understood? Be nice to her. If she walks, it's over. I couldn't be happier dreaming about you. Even if it didn't last long... Thanks for making me happy. Thank you so much. My wife is showering again. Why can't I die with style? I'll make love to her, but it's gonna be hard. I wanna hear your voice. Aren't you there? Pick up the phone. What a story! Don't tell me you made it up. Can you make it happen? Your willpower can. All I do is to remove a scar from your hurt soul. How much will it cost? I'm a doctor, not a businessman. Is it expensive? All the things you want done with 30% discount... I'll pay you every penny with interest. Can I do it on credit? - Ms. KIM? - Yes? Will you show this lady out? Don't validate parking. Jesus protects me How blessed I am
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