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Главная / 1984


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walk out of here before it's too late.
Never see one another again.
Our luck can't last.
You're young, look normal.
You're innocent.
If you keep clear of people like me
then you might stay alive.
What you do, I do.
I've thought it out.
I'm good at staying alive.
- When shall we meet again?
- Not for several weeks, it's not safe.
Give me half an hour.
I love you.
Do you think the Resistance is real?
No, none of it's real.
Steamer! Dead overhead!
Get down! Get down!
Round the clock plus a 153 set
in eyes top a PMA Willmer...
Oceania is at war with Eastasia.
Oceania has always been
at war with Eastasia.
Eurasia is our ally.
Eurasia has always been our ally.
Everything fades into mist.
The past is erased, the erasure forgotten.
The lie becomes truth
and then becomes a lie again.
What is it?
I dreamt...
about my mother.
What, darling?
It was during the wars.
Before the Party.
(mother) Winston!
I couldn't help myself.
I knew what I had done,
and I couldn't help myself.
When I went back, hours later,
my mother and sister were gone.
I never saw them again.
It's not so much staying alive
as staying human that's important.
What counts
is that we don't betray each other.
If you mean confessing,
we're bound to do that.
Everybody does. You can't help it.
I don't mean confessing.
Confessing isn't betrayal.
I mean feelings.
If they can make me change my feelings,
they can stop me from loving you.
That would be real betrayal.
They can't do that.
It's the one thing they can't do.
They can torture you
and make you say anything.
But they can't make you believe it.
They can't get inside you.
They can't get to your heart.
I'm going to see O'Brien.
I know.
Outer Party member 53922 Hicks,
Minirec, Proletarian Affairs Section.
Outer Party member 22315 Howard,
Miniprod, Hospital Section.
Outer Party member 947743 Bolgar,
Minitrue, Records Section.
Outer Party member 5739 Brady,
Minitrue, Records Section.
Outer Party member 984213 Devereux,
Minitrue, Records Section.
Outer Party member 9106 Dodds,
Minitrue, Porno Section.
Outer Party 38091 Ware,
Minitrue, Porno Section.
Outer Party member 11792 Bigland,
Minitrue, News Section.
Items one, five, seven
approved fullwise, stop.
Suggestion contained item six, double-
plus ridiculous, verging crimethink.
Cancelled, stop. End message.
Outer Party member 4392 Rosenblum,
Miniprod, Light Industry Section.
Outer Party member 66755 Davies,
Miniprod, Women's Section.
That concludes the list
of known agents of Goldstein
actively engaged
in the latest conspiracy...
Not much of this gets to the Outer Party,
I'm afraid. To our leader.
Our eternal allies in Eurasia
are turning against us.
More nests of conspirators and saboteurs
have been uncovered.
Further arrests are expected shortly.
- You can?
- Yes.
We're allowed that privilege.
Some more of this? It is called wine.
There are thought criminals who maintain
that the Resistance is not real.
Believe me, Winston, it is very real.
Perhaps you are not familiar
with how it operates.
I'm attentive to the news.
Perhaps you imagine
a huge network of conspirators
prepared to commit any atrocity
to demoralise and weaken our society.
The reality is infinitely more subtle.
If Goldstein himself
fell into the hands of the Thought Police,
he could not give them
a list of his agents.
Such a list does not exist.
They are not an organisation
in the sense we know.
Nothing holds it together but an idea.
There is no possibility of change
in their lifetime.
In the face of the Thought Police,
they cannot act collectively.
Individually, they cheat, forge, blackmail,
corrupt children,
spread disease and prostitution,
1984 1984

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- текст Малыши из мусорного бачка на английском
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- текст Справка на английском
- текст Девять дней одного года на английском
- текст Бродячий Пес: Бронеотряд Церберов на английском

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